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GDPR and our Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Hello old friends, it's been a while!

There are a few important deadlines this week, and I've been a bit side-tracked by the one that has the biggest impact on freedom of choice, women's rights and gender inclusion in Irish society!

One of the other big deadlines is the one that impacts individual rights with regard to your personal data - this is the deadline for GDPR compliance on 25th May.

Here at Strength Within, we are fully committed to the following principles as laid down in the EU GDPR Regulation:

  1. Personal Data shall be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way.
  2. Personal Data shall be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes only.
  3. Personal Data shall be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
  4. Personal Data shall be accurate and, kept up to date. This means we must have in place processes for identifying and addressing out-of-date, incorrect and redundant Personal Data.
  5. Personal Data shall be kept in a form which permits identification of Data Subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the Personal Data is processed.
  6. The integrity and confidentiality of Personal Data is maintained at all times through appropriate technical and organisational measures, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful Processing, and against accidental loss, destruction or damage

You can rest assured that if you have provided us with personal data, it is safe and secure and in keeping with these principles. If you would like to learn about the data we collect, hold and process and how we do this, you can read our Privacy Policy here.

Where you are receiving our newsletter or other updates via email this is because you subscribed to our newsletter, signed up as a client, or because you indicated that you would like to learn more about our services. If you believe that you were signed up to this list in error, or no longer wish to receive updates from us please let me know.

If you signed up to this list and are wondering where your monthly newsletter is...I think it's fair to say I got a bit distracted! Watch this space though, as I'm committing myself here to renewed vigour and a quarterly newsletter from Autumn on! And of course, if you are not yet subscribed and would like to do so, please click here.

So, that's it: unsubscribe if you don't want updates, give me a shout if you have any questions or feedback, and please, please, PLEASE - don't forget to vote tomorrow!

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