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New Work Wardrobe

New Work Wardrobe

Back to Work after Maternity Leave - New Work Wardrobe


With setting up my own business, I didn’t have a defined maternity leave per se this time around and I’ve been tipping away at things since last Autumn, slowly building the business and my client base around bedtime, naps (not mine unfortunately!), and the generosity of family and friends - as such, I haven’t needed a huge amount of ‘work’ clothes.  With the littlest one off to crèche in a few weeks and the business really starting to ramp up I decided it was time to go clothes shopping* and, for those of you in the same boat over the next few months, I thought you might like to read about my experience here…


If you’re anything like me, you’ve just spent the last number of months covered in baby puke, mushed banana and other unidentified fluids! Couple this with trying to find clothes to fit a changing body shape, trainers, frumpy nursing bras and yoga pants – it’s not exactly a recipe for feeling confident about your appearance.


Before I returned to work after baby #1 I took a couple of mornings out to get my hair done and go shopping for some new work-wardrobe pieces. This was fantastic for getting me back in the work-mode and the time away from my baby helped me feel confident that he would do just fine without me.


For baby #2 I’ve surpassed myself and thanks to my fabulous husband I spent a morning with a personal shopper! I’m delighted with my new wardrobe and can’t wait to wear my new threads to work. “A Personal Shopper? What’s involved?”, I hear you say…well, for non-shoppers like myself, it was actually; surprisingly, a really pleasant experience! My voucher was for RubySeven and I’d highly recommend Mary as she really knows her stuff and is lovely to deal with. The week before the big shopping event she came over to my house for an image consultation, and we had a chat over brekkie (mine and babies – we were not having a good morning!), she did a body shape and colour analysis and we talked through my existing wardrobe (I’d done a good clear-out before-hand). The following Monday morning we met in Dundrum town centre and Mary did her magic; gliding around and picking out things I wouldn’t usually think to try. Three hours later and I had exactly what I was looking for – some solid wardrobe basics, fresh colours to bring my wardrobe up to date and a plan of action for any future wardrobe purchases.


If you are looking to freshen up your work-wardrobe I highly recommend this. It’s not cheap but it’s money well-spent, and cheaper than a wardrobe full of items that you don’t wear! And to receive this as a gift was really pure luxury 🙂 A close friend also got me a voucher for a make-up make-over so that is next on my list…


So, if you or someone you know is ever wondering what to get for the career-orientated pregnant woman in your life – this was definitely a winner for me.  Or of course, vouchers for maternity coaching or workshop 😉 If you would like to know more about this, give me a shout here.


*I wouldn’t exactly class shopping as one of my favourite past-times

Claire Flannery is the Founder and Owner of Strength Within coaching and consultancy, where she focuses on helping people create the headspace and mental clarity to discover, cultivate and maximise their strength within. She is a qualified Psychologist, Business & Personal Coach and Gentlebirth Instructor and is passionate about helping people to successfully navigate the huge identity and life transition involved in starting and growing a family. As a large part of her work, she is privileged to work with women and their partners as they make their journey through pregnancy, birth and early parenting. Along with Coaching services, she runs Gentlebirth and Return-to-Work workshops in Dublin, Ireland.

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