Gender Pay Gap
In August this year the Department of Justice and Equality commenced a public consultation, seeking views on measures to tackle the gender pay gap. Strength Within was delighted to be able to participate in this consultation, you can see our response here: Consultation Response - Strength Within - 4 October 2017
Claire Flannery is the Founder and Owner of Strength Within coaching and consultancy, where she focuses on helping people create the headspace and mental clarity to discover, cultivate and maximise their strength within. She is a qualified Business Psychologist, Executive, Business & Personal Coach and Gentlebirth Instructor with over a decade of experience working in HR leadership in Financial Services. She is also a Mum to two small boys and has personal experience of successfully managing her career while preparing to transition out of, and back into, the workforce; and is passionate about helping people to successfully navigate the huge identity and life transition involved in starting and growing a family. As a large part of her work, she is privileged to work with women and their partners as they make their journey through pregnancy, birth and early parenting. Along with Coaching services, she runs Gentlebirth and Return-to-Work workshops in Dublin, Ireland.
Tags: back to work after babybusiness coachcareerDepartment of Justice and Equalityempoweredentreprenuerfemale leadersgender equalitygender paritygender pay gapmaternitymaternity coachmaternity leavemental well-beingparental leaveparenthoodpaternity leavepersonal coachpregnancypublic consultationresiliencereturn to workwomen in businesswomen in leadershipworking parentworkplace equality
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